Bob Lyon


The Cigar Oasis is the premier cigar humidifier for both personal humidors and walk-in humidors in high-volume retail establishments. Their extensive range of models allows for optimal size, performance, and price options to meet the needs of any enthusiast.

Whats the big deal?

Cigar Oasis systems add life to the finest handmade cigars, extending their enjoyment and value. Cigar Oasis works silently in your humidor, keeping a constant humidity level while preserving your cigars in perfect condition.

The addition of a Cigar Oasis system to your cigar humidor will enhance the flavor and aroma of fine cigars whenever you choose to enjoy them.

Simple & Convenient

Cigar Oasis provides a simple, convenient and automatic way to level out the humidity swings caused by opening and closing your humidor. Cigar Oasis automatically adds or removes moisture from the humidor to maintain a consistent humidity level.

Cigar Oasis will never over-humidify your cigars. Cigar Oasis is the 1st company to offer a full line of products specifically designed for quality humidifies, utilizing a patented “dosing” method.

The Technology

The key to the self-regulating system is the seamless design that was created to fill up with distilled water and glycerin gel. The gel acts as a sponge and the capillary action ensures full absorption of any water that’s added to the container. As the container fills, it creates an airtight seal and vents only at the top so air is constantly circulated and will not degrade your cigars.

Cigar Oasis super easy to use, install and service humidifiers are built with technology for automatic operation. No messy mercury or exposed wires. There are no levers or knobs to adjust! They are the only electronic humidifier on the market that is designed to provide complete control over your humidor without you having to adjust humidifier settings.

Patented Technology

They are the only humidifiers on the market built with patented technology for automatic operation. Cigar Oasis electronic humidifiers are not piezo powered which means no “burn out” problems.

For your ultimate convenience, Cigar Oasis provides you with three separate outputs allowing you to humidify not only your cigar storage compartment but also your liquor cabinet or other desired locations!

The Cigar Oasis Plus provides the ultimate environment for your cigars to age by controlling both the humidity and temperature. It automatically controls both of these elements so you do not have to worry about checking humidors daily, weekly or even monthly. Trust your cigars to Cigar Oasis!

Low Maintenance

Cigar Oasis humidifiers require little maintenance and can be set and forgotten. Made for convenience and style with a modern look, these humidifiers for humidors will fit perfectly in your house or workplace.

Very simple and easy to use: just add cigars and let it do it’s thing – just don’t forget to set up your WiFi! App is very user friendly, We would suggest using the web interface while setting up the initial connection if having trouble downloading the App (which barely works).

RH (Relative Humidity) in your humidor up to 70% or higher

A Cigar Oasis Humidifier keeps your favorite cigars fresh and ready to enjoy! Perfect for any size humidor or desktop humidor. Any cigar smoker can tell you that when you open your humidor to grab another smoke, the cigars in there felt “spongy” and don’t feel right.

At this point, your box is too dry. To fix this problem, you must bring the RH (Relative Humidity) in your humidor up to 70% or higher.

The Humidifier Product Range

Photo Credit: Cigar Oasis

The Cigar Oasis Ultra 2.0

The Cigar Oasis Ultra 2.0 is perfect for keeping your cigars at the perfect humidity level. You can leave this anywhere in your home and it will keep your cigars at optimal conditions.

Its 2.5 gallons of water capacity ensures that this humidification device will store enough moisture to last you nearly two months! The element in this humidification device allows it to remain stronger than most other humidifiers on the market, making sure that it doesn’t wear out anytime soon!

Key features of the Cigar oasis ultra 2.0

  • Displays temperature and averages for humidity
  • Provides consistent humidity control
  • Micro USB Connection
  • Email and Text alerts for Low Humidity & Low Water (
  • Precise Calibration Adjustment

Our Rating: 9/10

Photo Credits: Cigar Oasis

The Cigar Oasis Plus

Cigar Oasis Plus contains the new V3 model of the revolutionary rechargeable cigar humidifier, which promises to super-charge your cigars. As seen on TV, this device uses only one special water cartridge to store the salt solution needed to suspend the pellets inside it.

This advanced system is capable of maintaining humidity levels of up to 90%, even in very dry climates, making it the perfect solution for people on the move.

Key Features:

  • Large LCD with backlit humidity & temperature display –
  • Built-in Smart Humidor (Wi-Fi) technology for remote monitoring & control (subscription required)
  • Soft-Touch button control
  • Micro-USB connection with streamlined ribbon cable connection
  • Upgraded foam cartridge, pretreated for mold prevention

Our Rating: 9/10

The Oasis Ultra 3

The Oasis Ultra 3 is the ultimate solution for the cigar smoker who wants to maintain perfect humidification inside their humidor! This unit utilizes a thin but durable ultra-thin electronic ribbon cable that allows the Oasis to fit through the humidor seal! Packaged in a very attractive gloss black finish, this quality constructed with a touch-sensitive user interface and a large backlit display.

The Oasis Ultra 3 also comes complete with a pre-treated water cartridge which requires only distilled water during use, and a built-in Wi-Fi capability that allows users to connect the unit to Apple or Android mobile devices.

Key Features:

  • Large LCD with backlit humidity & temperature display – NEW
  • Built-in Smart Humidor (Wi-Fi) technology for remote monitoring & control – NEW (subscription required)
  • Slim, Lid Mounted – Takes up minimal space
  • Provides consistent, maintenance free, long-term humidity control
  • Circulates humidity reaching each cigar equally -No need to rotate cigars

Our Rating: 9/10

The Cigar Oasis Excel 3.0

The Cigar Oasis Excel 3.0 electronic humidifier is a revolutionary advancement in the humidification industry! Rest assured, your cigars will always be stored at a saf anywhere else that you would like it to sit. The Excel 3.0 is powered by a thin but durable electronic ribbon cable that fits through humidor seals to ensure e and optimum humidity level.

Recommended to be stored in coolers with temperature range from 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit. The cigar oasis excel 3.0 can add moisture to a humidor via its water reservoir or add humidity directly into the air surrounding your cigars in drawers or anywhere else that you would like it to sit.

The Excel 3.0 is powered by a thin but durable electronic ribbon cable that fits through humidor seals to ensure security.

Key Features :

  • USB Powered Device – No Drilling Required
  • It can humidify up to 75 – 300 Cigar Count
  • Sensor controlled fan
  • Long lasting cartridge refill (can last up to 2-4 months)
  • Dimensions: Length: 6” Width: 2” Height: 3.5”

Our Rating: 9/10

Photo Credits: Cigar Oasis

The Magna 3.0

The Magna 3.0 by Cigar Oasis is the industry’s best-seller for a reason. This electronic humidifier features Wi-Fi-enabled technology that allows you to control the humidity in your cabinet or your desktop tower humidor from anywhere you have internet access.

It automatically calculates the proper amount of moisture you need given the weather, and has an LCD display that gives you all of this information—and more, like an indoor/outdoor temperature readout. The base glows red when it needs refilling, and the touch sensor buttons are soft to the touch.

Key Features:

  • Completely Sealed system only activates on sensors demand
  • Transparent base to observe water level
  • Provides consistent, maintenance free, long term humidity control
  • Circulates humidity reaching each cigar equally – No need to rotate cigars
  • Set humidity to the preferred level

Our Rating: 9/10

Final Thoughts

The Cigar Oasis product is a number one customer choice as it is a great choice most especially for the newbies in the stogie world down the most advanced cigar collectors. What about you? Share your thoughts with us!

Get FREE shipping if you purchase your cigar oasis humidifier on us, only here at crown humidors.